
Azure Infrastructure Documentation

Explore a variety of Azure infrastructure topics through a detailed documentation. Each link below directs you to a specific resource or scenario:

No Topic Description
1 Resource Group Understand the creation and management of Azure Resource Groups.
2 App Service Learn how to deploy and configure Azure App Services.
3 Web App & SQL Database Deploy a web app with an integrated SQL Database on Azure.
4 AKS cluster Set up an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.
5 AKS & ACR Integrate Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Azure Container Registry (ACR).
6 Azure Container App Deploy applications using Azure Container Apps.
7 Key Vault Manage secrets securely with Azure Key Vault.
8 Key Vault with RBAC Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Azure Key Vault.
9 Storage Account, Container, and Blob Understand Azure Storage with examples of containers and blobs.
10 Linux VM Deploy and configure Linux Virtual Machines on Azure.
11 Windows VM & Bastion host Set up Windows Virtual Machines with a Bastion host on Azure.
12 Import existing infrastructure into Terraform Learn how to import and manage existing resources in Terraform.
13 Deploy Infra with Terraform and GitHub Action Explore the integration of Terraform and GitHub Actions for infrastructure deployment.

For detailed information on each topic, please navigate to the corresponding documentation.